22 Summer Short Haircut Styles that Look Great for Older Women(Update 2022)

Short haircut styles are the top choice nowadays when it comes to summer time. Especially among the women over 50 an 60 year old. They are easy to work with, trendy looking, beautiful and has lots of variants that you can try throughout the year. In this article update, we gathered more summer short haircut styles that you can try…

Types of Wedge Haircut Style that Perfect for 2020 and Beyond

The wedge haircut is a popular hairstyle that many already know. Especially amongst the older women. There are a few common reasons why women over 50 and 60 choose the wedge hairstyle over any short haircut style, that one reason is the wedge haircut so easy to maintain and doesn’t require much attention without sacrificing the look, and it also…

10+ Best Wedge Haircuts for Women over 60

Many women prefer wedge over the other famous haircut styles like bob, pixie, and shaggy. It is because the wedge haircut looks appropriate for the seniors. We’ve updated the list below to follow the trends, some variations are added to make sure our readers get inspired after reading our list below. Keep reading below to find out which wedge hairstyles…